One Year On

Created by Katherine 6 years ago

 Dear Dad

A year has passed since god called you home and we all miss you so very much.  We have all found some of your incredible strength to carry us through this past year without you,  but it has been so hard and not a day goes by when you are not thought of.

In the past year, Adam, your great grand-son has been Christened and is now walking and talking.  Jacob has grown so much and is a happy, cheeky little man.   Felicity and Eloise are bright young girls and are always full of so much energy.  Charlie is doing well at school and still loves spider man.

We all went to Bristol to celebrate Leonie's 50th birthday which was a very enjoyable day and we were able to sit in her garden and  enjoy some of the summer sunshine.  It is on special occasion like this, that we miss you so much, as you were the centre of our family and such a proud of your family.

Christmas was very hard for all of us especially for mum. Some how we all kept going and supported one another through it.  Jane took mum shopping to whitely in the January sales, and mum brought herself a gift from you.  She purchased a really beautiful locket.  Dad, you would have been so pleased as I know you promised to buy her one. 

Your birthday was very hard but seeing mum being so strong made me realise that I too have to be strong.  As you yourself would say 'Life goes on.'  You will never be forgotten and you will be forever be in our hearts and thoughts.  We all miss you so much and I hope in the past year we have made you proud.

Lots of love
